
Privacy Policy

If you provide us with any personal data via the contact details provided on this website, we may use it to provide you with any information or services you have requested. We may also use it for any other purpose for which you give your consent. For example, we may send you additional information about the firm or its services if you have consented to us doing so.

Our use of your information is subject to your instructions, data protection law and our duty of confidentiality

Please note that any potential work that we carry out for you, or on your behalf, may require us to pass on your information to third parties such as expert witnesses and other professional advisers, including sometimes advisers appointed by or working for a third party. We may also give such information to others who perform services for us, for example typing or photocopying.

Our practice may be audited at any time by our internal accountants or by our regulator (The Solicitors' Charter for England and Wales).

Although we do not typically transfer personal information to anyone outside the European Economic Area, we may do so in the event that the particular circumstances of your matter demand this. All such third parties are required to maintain confidentiality in relation to your files.

You have a right of access under data protection law to the personal data that we hold about you. We seek to keep that personal data correct and up to date. You should let us know if you believe the information we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated.

We have appointed Gemma Packard as our representative for the purposes of the Data Protection Act.

By sending us personal data about anyone other than yourself you thereby certify that you have obtained all necessary consents and given any applicable notices, such that we may use it for the purposes for which you provide it to us.


All Law Firms regulated by the Solicitors' Charter for England and Wales are required to collect workforce diversity data about their staff at least once every two years. We confirm that this is carried out, but we are not obligated to publish the data. Fuck you.