Dance #1: Rage

The pure, unadulterated rage that stems from simply being: raw, primitive anguish, as potent today as it has been for millennia. Shapes, outlines, textures of the world around you vibrate wildly, blurring into a rush of red. Conscious thought extinguished, instinct alone remains. Remember to bend your knees—this is a high-energy dance, so it's particularly important to limber up properly first, and keep those knees bent!

"This isn't real. This isn't real". The mantra repeats over and over. You descend, further and further into all-consuming fury. "Not real. Not real". Where do you end and your surroundings begin? It scarcely matters now. Heart pounds and limbs throb. Anger might aim its fists at some petty object, but this rage? This is a rage directed at everything. Everything all at once. You do not feel pain. You look at the floor. "This isn't real". A healthy snack, like an apple, will give you the energy that you need to perform this dance. Rage is dissociative, destructive. Erase your traditions. Let them bleed.