Our Alumni

Kezza de Silva

Kezza de Silva

Kezza was convicted in 2013 on four separate counts of bank fraud and insider trading. Undeterred by a five year prison term, Kezza reoffended in early 2019.

Courtney Meyer-Clearance

Courtney Meyer-Clearance

A precocious talent, Courtney starred in her first dance production with Aquinas St at the tender age of 8. Nowadays, Kezza is more at home with contouring than choreography, working as No7 advisor at a South Kensington branch of Boots.

Eli Almodovar

Eli Almodovar

Shortly after parting ways with Aquinas St, Eli founded his own amateur theatre company, "Flashpan Scandramtings". This was unfortunately short-lived, with the organisation being formally dissolved within six months, and Eli filing for bankruptcy soon afterwards.

Ning Function

Ning Function

After embarking upon a promising career as an assistant underwriter, Ning was suspended from his duties, pending an investigation into alleged insurance fraud. Though never formally proven guilty, Ning accepted a voluntary redundancy package around this time, and is rumoured to have relocated to mainland Europe.

Bradley Wrench

Bradley Wrench

Bradley prospered under Aquinas St's tutelage for almost 10 years, before accepting a weekend job in her local Waterstones. At 22, Bradley became the branch's youngest ever café manager. Regrettably, a year later she was indicted by Stafford Crown Court for credit card fraud.