Dance #3: Inhumanity

A loose portrayal of the events surrounding the Srebenica massacre, Dance #3 focuses less on historical verisimilitude and instead holds up a mirror to the unfathomable darkness that lurks at the heart of Man. The very worst of humankind—that rotten, repulsive underbelly, from which we are compelled to turn away. Is it shame, disbelief? The mirror does not flatter. Inhumanity is a great entry point for younger dancers (aged 5-10). The dance comprises mostly very slow, simple movements that are easy to master.

The horror, the inconceivable horror. "Inhuman". A barrier, erected for convenience to distance ourselves from those acts of which we cannot conceive... But does it let us off the hook too easily? Across all of human history, a veritable exhibition of atrocities, all with one thing in common... Does the filth inside your own soul disgust you?