
How can one even begin to describe a Stoke institution like The Store? "Well, not like that", I hear Susan cry, "that sounds ridiculous!". Shut up, Susan. Don't think that you're irreplaceable here, Susan. In the process of writing this "About" section, Susan and I became embroiled in such a heated argument that we have seldom spoken since. I do not actually know who Susan is, and so this circumstance is of no particular concern, but I thought I ought to mention it, for the sake of completeness.

The Store was founded by Johnny Dubios, in the halcyon days that stretched between the bitter winter of 2006 and the huge, bright comet of 2009. Since then, The Store has blossomed from one man selling guppies out of a box, into a bona fide enterprise. Along the way, Johnny's mission has always been to cater to the customer who demands more, both from the setting sun and from their neighbourhood fish store. The quintessential Store experience is akin to eating saltine crackers, nude, watching the moon through an open window as a few crumbs fall to the street below.

Here's how a recent customer described their experience of The Store, and of finding their truest fish. Please note that the video does not depict a genuine customer, but rather a paid actor, reading from a script written by us.

"I was there in the fishtank when the power went out, Swam around in a panic but a fish cannot shout"