The Store is Stoke-on-Trent's very own aquatic emporium—bringing the majesty of the ocean to the Staffordshire region. We stock abundant arthropods, myriad molluscs, copious crustaceans and, of course, fish out the wazoo. But what sets us apart from your run of the mill, dime a dozen, garden variety fish store? It's a good question, and we like it to answer it with a question of our own: have you found your truest fish? How many times have you trudged back from your local aquatics shop, carp in hand and frown on face, having failed yet again to find a genuine companion?
"We all swim on in the streams and the ponds, Hiding from predators just to breed all our spawn"
At The Store, we utilise a state-of-the-art psychometrics algorithm to produce perfect pairings of person and fish. From puffers to pinocchio shrimp, rest assured that, whatever your disposition, we'll find the aquarium-dwelling accomplice you've been searching for your whole life. Breathe a relieved sigh, for your journey is over. Stay with us a while—find your truest fish.
Find your fish
Fish ID:
In collaboration with our friends at Stoke Personality Lab, we have engineered a brief psychological assessment to help you find the piscine partner of your dreams. Click "begin" above to find yor truest fish.
Fish profile
To view a fish profile, enter a valid fish ID.