Stoke Today

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Have you happened upon a juicy morsel of news? You might not know it yet but even now, as you go about your daily activities, news could be unfolding before your very eyes. If you suspect this to be the case (or can at least provide a convincing enough façade), then don't hesitate to get in touch with Stoke Today. Our crack team of entirely fictional journalists, whom we couldn't even be arsed to come up with names for, are positively gagging for a hot dose of news, amid an almost unprecedented lack thereof.

If you've witnessed or been involved in a news event, or have carefully crafted a ludicrous slice of metafictional whimsy (our editors are professedly unable to tell the two apart, which does make one wonder how they came to work for such an organisation), please email your story to


Although news of any description is encouraged, almost with desperation, Stoke Today would be particularly interested to hear about stories that involve (or make reference to) any of the following:

  • The sheer folly of accepting user-submitted news, in an environment where "news" has essentially lost all sensible meaning
  • People's motivations for contacting a fictional news organisation
  • The subversion of expectations in a list format, without resorting to some ironic, self-referential gimmick