Tripp Perntwhisp was once an admiral for the British Royal Navy, but now works at Daily Kimchi. Tripp works mainly within a janitorial sphere, but in his spare time he writes film reviews for the style section (Daily Kimchi's only section). His proudest achievement to date is that, as yet, he remains unasked to. From 1982-1984, Perntwhisp was poisoned. His age is fiercely debated, but most scholars tend to agree that it's somewhere between thirty-eight and thirty-nine.
Perntwhisp has amassed a large personal wealth through the buying and selling of yachts, but met with controversy in 2008 as some of the yachts were broken. He moonlights in a band called "Hotel, Hotel, I've Gotta Go-tel", alongside drummer Herod Strand, guitarist Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth, and bassist Charlotte Kingdrink.