Stjepan Radočaj

Stjepan's recent work pays homage to titans of industry from bygone days. At the heart of these photographs is the dichotomy between sincere reverence and playfully-captured quaintness.

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Mario Mijušković

Chaos. Splendour. Mario's hectic, large-scale compositions exude dynamism. Frenzied bodies flow, liquid-like, through brutalist backdrops, imparting a sense of transience and urgent vitality.

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Oskar Klimenta

S.E.E.W.P.A. 2019 winner, Oskar Klimenta's photographic gaze is fixated on the unsung underbelly of modern technology— love-letters to drab server rooms, strewn with intricate gnarls of wires.

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Kitsch Trickster

"I've heard it said that I write 'love songs to beautiful, broken instruments'. Of course, a love song is in itself also a divine yet broken instrument. This might be the finest and best compliment I have been paid, to-date."

Humanist wunderkind

"The photographer must remain outside of the ambience that they suggest: not of their work itself, but of the life by which they must not let themselves be caught—pulled into". They are like a God, who would be simultaneously everywhere and nowhere."

S.E.E.W.P.A. Veteran

"In the 20th century, at least in the latter half, photography was a beautiful, dead fish. The general was substituted for the specific— but to point one's camera at everything is to point it at nothing."