Current naming epoch: #010
Your current full name:

What is Humans of S.O.Y.?

Humans of Stoke Oh Yeah (S.O.Y.) is a not-for-profit exchange organisation. We are dedicated to helping expats moving to the Stoke and Staffordshire region assimilate culturally. We realise that some of Stoke-on-Trent's more idiosyncratic customs can feel overwhelming, especially to begin with, and we're here to help.

For ease of integration, newcomers to the region typically choose to adopt a traditional "Stoke-on-Trent" name. While not strictly mandatory, many people report feeling less like an "outsider" when using their adopted name.

Although "Stoke-on-Trent" names are not assigned officially until one has moved to the region, in our experience people are usually very curious to find out what their new moniker will be, and to practise using it.

For this reason, we've built a simple tool that can tell you what your new name will be. To find out, just enter your current, full name, and use the "Go" button. Please note that the chosen name is non-binding, and (in rare cases) is subject to change upon your arrival in Stoke.
