Stoke Bayrağı Komitəsi


Stoke Flag Commission is an iniative formed jointly by the councils of Fenton, Hanley, Longton, Stoke-upon-Trent, Tunstall and Burslem. Its purpose is to select a new flag to represent Stoke.

Why a new flag?

The motivations for this are twofold. Firstly, to create a vibrant, new flag that reflects the values of modern Stoke; and secondly to assert to the world Stoke's proud heritage—to exude a timeless, unflinching perseverance of spirit. Naturally, the reconciliation of these design criteria was not a simple task. The shortlisted flags presented below reflect the earnest efforts of some of Staffordshire's finest graphic artists. While the Stoke Flag Commission deliberates and considers the merits of each, they are hereby made available for public viewing and/or comment. Note that user comments, in the interest of impartiality, are not viewable by voting members of Stoke F.C.

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  • Theodor Shuroopjipple-Golfing: If it ain't broke don't fix it. That's all.Reply
  • Alfred Paradox-Smorgasbord: Hoping that Stoke keeps its current flag, though I do get why some ppl would prefer a new one Reply
    • Tyrone McPicklestick-Stretcher: I seem to be in the minority who really loves this flagReply
    • Whoosh Joineryson: This a flag for looooosersReply
  • Oblong O'Shea: Don't really like itReply
  • Akinyi Saleh-Intertwine: This is the worst hands downReply
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  • Wallace Fleshy-Jackson: ok but could be betterReply
  • Gruelling Vasega: Best flag I have ever seenReply
  • Esperanta Parenthesis-Watanabe: doesn't feel strong enoughReply
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  • Kenzo Erstwhile: All of these "candidate flags" are ghastly.Reply
  • Antonis Herd: No offence but this is horrible.Reply
  • Martin McGowan-Thoroughly: this ain't it chiefReply
  • Dolores Supernova-Joineryson: definitely not!Reply
  • Kenzo Usman-Sneeze: Not impressedReply
  • Sztefan Blazing-Lidegaard: this flag is pathetic. Sorry.Reply
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  • Allison Footstool-Wainwright: ok but could be betterReply
  • Shanice Lidegaard-Pernickety: 2/10 Reply
    • Fernando Carparkington-Supercharge: You have got to be kidding!!!Reply
  • Proscovia Herd-Thickening: Not badReply
  • Philip Lopez-Bubble: I like this flag. It represents an interesting piece of Stoke history.Reply
  • Philip Lopez-Bubble: I like this flag. It represents an interesting piece of Stoke history.Reply
  • Philip Lopez-Bubble: I like this flag. It represents an interesting piece of Stoke history.Reply
  • Heike Crisps-Townsfolk: I think this looks kinda dumb.Reply
  • Erland Gulf-Guzzleford: Stoke's flag will be replaced with a PowerPoint presentation Reply
    • Lola Placebo-Shrapnel: ??Reply
    • Vienna Rossi-Shovel: IconicReply
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  • Inconvenience Dickinson: GoodReply
  • Judith Welcoming-Mbabazi: Nice and simpleReply
  • Cherry Winnipeg: I dunt have feelingReply
  • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: You destroyed the meaning of the flag. Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: You're here, Shilth?Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: For now... I'm leaving Stoke tomorrow. How about you?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Oh, I'll probably leave as well, soon.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce... If we're both leaving... let's go together. We can live together.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: You don't know what you're saying, Shilth.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, have you never felt lonely and heard my heart cry out for you? I long to hear your voice again, to look into your eyes...Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Well, nothing turns out the way you think.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, do you think you ever loved him (your husband)?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: IdkReply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Do you remember that thing you once said to me?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: What thing? I can't remember everything I say.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: You said that you believed in the pleasures of the flesh, and the irremediable loneliness of the human conditionReply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Sounds like something I might've said.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: When you said it, I thought that our dream of happiness had come true.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: But you took that dream from me. Our whole life collapsed. After that, I sought the so-called "pleasures of the flesh". And that's my marriage...Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, come away with me.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: No, Shilth. I'm happiest by myself now.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce...
      Please come with me.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: What makes you think we can rekindle what's dead and buried?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Don't get me wrong, it was you who first taught me to understand love. You changed me into a woman... I belonged to you. We grew together. I felt... Reborn, somehow. Everything around us seemed better, more beautiful... I thought to myself "this is a man I can spend my life with". I asked myself whether I deserved it.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, why did you leave me?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Shilth! You really believe that it was me who left you? You pushed me away...Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: I've never loved anyone else.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: I believe that, but what did love mean to you, Shilth? You grew tired of my love - that's why I left.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: I see where you're coming from. My work took me away from you, but I'd never have broken up with you.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: No, you couldn't have, but it's lucky that I could. It was your work that came between us... I'd began to feel like a burden to you. I don't think love meant the same thing to you as to me.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: I can't deny it...Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: I sensed it, but I knew for sure the day I found that doodle on your desk. You'd drawn my profile and written next to it "woman's love and man's work: enemies from the start". That's how I became sure.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: My life was ruined by that piece of paper.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Ruined? You got what you wanted.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: No, I have achieved nothing.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: It was your choice to make. We all make these choices. We always realise too late, that we've lost the only thing worthwhileReply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Always.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: When I understood that, I felt like my heart grew old. I was ashamed to be a woman. I saw that all of these supposed "great men", none of them knew or understood love: it was something they looked down on. You've become one of them, and I don't love you.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, I'm so sorry.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: I still treasure the three years that we spent together.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Then how could you leave me?Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: I knew that it would hurt, but I didn't expect it would hurt you as much as it did.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: You became a great man, but I don't want greatness.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: There's no such think as greatness, anyway.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: When I picture my life as a whole, all that stands out is my love for you... You taught me that love is everything.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: Jambonce, we belong together.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Yes. You understand now, but it's too late.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: It's not too late yet. Come with me.Reply
    • Shilth Parker-Bonsai: We'll get a house by the beach, and nothing and no-one will ever come between us.Reply
    • Jambonce Saleh: Shilth, there's no happiness in love. There's an emptiness inside you, and nothing I can do will change that. You're too late.Reply
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  • Sprinkle Yeast-Sponge: Flag looks like crapReply
  • Rebekkah Untoward-Gasket: God this looks uglyReply
  • Ivan Pizzleton: Lmao this one looks so badReply
  • Flitzoid Fujiwara-Peppercorn: Terrible too much going on in the flagReply
  • Darius Berger-Anus: UglyReply
  • Tonight Johansson: Lame.Reply
  • Darren Drakklebab-Radiance: How anyone could think this looks good is beyond meReply
  • Gulliver-Marie Rangwaddle-Gestalt: Ugh so pretentious Reply
    • Macroella Ponce-Blancmange: Obviously the designer has never read "Good Flag, Bad Flag"!Reply
  • Rose Function-Noguchi: This one is just objectively bad Reply
    • Janine Hughes-Quaver: Offensively arseReply
    • Oblong O'Shea: It's bollocksReply
  • Whoosh Joineryson: This suckes dont touch our flagReply
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  • Jeeves Bone-Goalpost: Now that is a flag design.Reply
  • Jane Akello-Happenstance: Very nice flag!Reply
  • Flavio Whoosh-Shitbag: It's pretty.Reply
  • Janine Hughes-Quaver: What a pretty flag!Reply
  • Margroboolak Brondobulous-Plastered: That is a beautiful flag.Reply
  • Bo Broka-Circular: Just from a graphic arts point of view, it's a very busy design...Reply
  • Dominique Yang-Quaver: This is the most beautiful flag I have ever seenReply
  • Mohammed Tubbalunk-Astringent: Amazing!Reply
  • Macroella Ponce-Blancmange: Looks good!Reply
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  • Yufan Akello: It looks
    Fine I guess, I mean looks kinda good but I prefer the current oneReply
  • Colin Codeine-Greeble: Wh-ut
  • Jordana Yang-Convincing: Good flag:)Reply
  • Angelos Opacity-Prune: This is a 6.8/10Reply
  • Asparagus Fleshy-Hassan: Ehhh this one is disapointmentReply
  • Colin Hrbek: EpicReply
  • Nathaniel Montoya: EwwwReply
  • Natasha Peppercorn-Strassenhause: Its kinda weird but nice Reply
    • Vince Mendes: NoReply
  • DeShawn Punt: I think this is wrongReply

Meet the committee

Patricia Montgomery (Fenton): Strategic Library Manager
Yanneth Bridges (Burslem): Senior Advice Worker
Ahmad Musa-Ringtone (Stoke-upon-Trent): Events and Promotions Officer
Vienna Colon-Oink (Tunstall): Senior Transport Planner
Mohammed Sporadic-Hogg (Longton): Senior Technical Officer
Zoe Davies (Hanley): Principal Legal Officer


Stoke Flag Commission is not accepting further comments at this time. Whilst we care deeply about Stoke residents' views, the comments section of this website is being utilised for an experimental "invasive theatre" piece, based loosely on the Dreyer classic, Gertrud. While inexact in its treatment of the source material, the adaptation nevertheless owes a degree of deference to the original work. We thank you for your understanding.