Our Expertise
For over thirty-five years, Most Alarms have provided unrivalled services in the residential and commercial security sectors. We are experts in the maintenance, installation and commissioning of all types of intruder alarms, as well as access control, CCTV and bespoke surveillance solutions—all in accordance with the very latest and highest industry standards. Like most people, Most people take their personal security very seriously, and so we take great pride in our continued reputation as northernmost Most's most trusted home security provider. In fact, when our founder, Čestmír, first announced his intention to begin the business, the conversation allegedly went something like this:
Anon: Most? Of all places—Most?
Čestmír: Definitely.

About Us
At Most Alarms, we have a saying: "Installing an intruder alarm is like betting on a horse". Just picture the scene: you clutch your betting slip and watch the gates swing open—your hotly-tipped horse bolts forth—by all accounts a fine start. She rounds the first corner with sublime grace, before veering off the track altogether, galloping some 60 miles to the coast, clambering aboard a commercial cruise ship and settling down several months later with a suave Sicilian thoroughbred. "Should have stuck to VPR", you lament, but at heart you're pleased to hear of the horse's newfound happiness. Was this money well spent?
Our Alarms
Your security is our top priority, and so we're proud to provide intruder alarms with a 100% success rate in the prevention of residential burglaries. While some sneaky thief scarpers with their stolen swag, most alarms would simply screech a sorry siren-song, scarcely stirring soundly sleeping neighbours—but not Most Alarms. Instead, our alarms play a series of what can only be described as sci-fi blues ballads, thereby recasting the burglary (if not preventing it in the usual sense) as a kind of questionable "performance art". Most alarm vendors would warn you that this is "misguided", "irresponsible" and even "downright stupid"... But we're not most alarm vendors: we're Most Alarms.
Steve Spěchatnahradi
The year is 2160, the season is Spring. Bohemian fields twinkle by night with the whirr and buzz of a million cruciferous, armour-plated quadrapeds: robotic cabbages that owe as much of the fibre of their being to Sun Microsystems as they do to its smouldering, celestial namesake. The "cabbots" look after human agriculture, and business is good. Salinity, humidity, pH, subterranean pressure, predicted yield... Their tiny tendrils probe the earth, and Earth whispers back its deepest secrets.
Welcome to the weird, wonderful and aggressively cabbage-centric universe of Steve Spěchatnahradit: sci-fi bluesman extraordinaire. Described as a "spiritual cousin" of the legendary Istvan Scurryfunge (as opposed to an actual cousin, on account of the pair being one and the same person), Spěchatnahradit's singular, soulful drawl is difficult to place and yet difficult to resist. In recent times, his steadfast commitment to a cabbage-based agri-tech utopia has been both admirable and all-consuming, with a Times interviewer infamously describing the singer as "a husk of a man, hunched hopelessly over a wilting Savoy, prodding the damp, leafy mass with an aimless, inexplicable crocodile clip".
Where most might be alarmed by Steve's self-destructive commitment to his artistry, at Most Alarms we saw the perfect composer for the siren music of our flagship intruder alarms. We're proud to partner with Steve, and are confident that—as some remorseless burglar rifles through your belongings and defiles your homestead— the earnest and incredibly specific, cabbage-obsessed sci-fi blues blaring in the background will have the authorities convinced that the whole thing must be some kind of "art project". That's a Most guarantee!

Listen to an exclusive composition for Most Alarms, chronicling the installation of a firmware update:
I must admit, when I stumbled downstairs and was met with the chaos of furniture cast asunder, cupboards ransacked and missing possessions, my first thought was "burglary". But then, as Spěchatnahradi sang in dulcet praise of robotic cabbage, I regained my senses and thought "come on now, Věruška, you silly old oaf! What kind of burglary has a soundtrack?". Needless to say, I didn't call the police! Thanks, Most Alarms.
I mean, I'm not complaining. In all the interviews I was like, "I really like to travel". They were like, most weeks you’ll need to travel overnight, and I was like, "yeah that's fine—I want to see the country". Oh sorry, what's this for?
My shop hosted an involuntary performance art installation a few weeks ago. For some time I thought of it as a "break-in", on account of the place being trashed and half my inventory being missing, but eventually the police persuaded me otherwise. "I'm calling again about the break-in at [REDACTED] last week. Yes, that's right. Uh huh. Yes. Yeah, so do you have any updates, any... I dunno... leads or whatever... Something? My—no, I *cough* sorry, no I don't have an incident number. No I wasn't given one. No, a crime did take place, I just don't have an incident number because you refuse to consider it a crime!". I think I finally started to change my mind when someone from the Arts Council knocked on the door and told me I was in the running for an award. "Award?" I asked, "for what?". "How can there possibly be an award for a burglary and, even supposing there were, why would I be the one nominated?". Actually I very nearly won it, but in the end it went to one of those Post-Literal pieces that you see everywhere nowadays...
Contact Us
Phone: 773 571 650
Email: mosteckealarmy@gmail.com
- Mostecké Alarmy s.r.o.
- Kostelní 802
- Starý Most
- 434 01 Most
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 0800–1700
Saturday: 0900–1730
Sunday: Closed