The élan philosophy

Here at élan, we like to do things a bit differently. We believe that the essence of a good haircut is bipartite: comprising a careful period of self-reflection, followed by a swift and inexorable hirsutal purge. That's why all of our appointments consist of two sessions. During your first session, an élan Fellow™ will guide you through a measured period of existential scrutiny, the duration of which is inherently indeterminate. Once you feel ready, your second session will entail the total eradication of your head hair, in a deeply ritualistic fashion.

Of course, the most important part of the élan experience is the chasm of fated time that stretches out between the two sessions. Go, howl into the void and patiently await its silence. When you're done, we promise to remove your hair.


Read what our customers have to say about us

I am convinced that neither before nor since élan has anyone else ever truly cut my hair. Indeed, what would be the point?

The longer I awaited my second élan session, the more completely I felt a sense of wilful surrender to its inevitability.

One or two of my very darkest hours were spent shouting aphorisms at a light fitting. My élan experience taught me that it is OK to unapologetically be.

Before élan, I would gaze, smoking, out of innumerable windows. Nowadays I do so only seldom, to provide photographic testament to what feels like a past life.

"The ideal limit that all hair-cutting aims at is a kind of pure, primitive extinction event, from which a great sadness is born."

- Larry Starling-Slink (Founder, élan)

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570 Penkville St



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